Participating Companies
250년 전통 이태리 PONTI사 유기농 잼 – 아킬레아—
미식의 고향 이탈리아 ‘피에몬테'의 유기농 브랜드
100% 유기농, 저온진공농축방식으로 신선한 자연의 맛
TV홈쇼핑, 백화점, 온라인, SCM 유통
Achillea only employs 100% organic fruit in its products. No additives. Gluten-free. Just naturally good fruit. We select the best certified organic ingredients. Unhurriedly, they are only picked when perfectly ripe, in order to fully maintain their taste, vitamins and nutrients. They are processed in our production plant at the foot of Mt. Monviso with skilful craftsmanship. When choosing to go organic we sealed a firm deal with nature and our customers. Our longtime commitment is to reduce our environmental impact, starting with packaging. We only use glass, paper and aluminium – fully and endlessly recyclable materials for the perfect preservation and enhancement of our products.
* 공식 수입사: MINA GLOBAL
* 대표전화:
* 이메일:
* 수입사 홈페이지:
* 온라인몰:
* 공식 브랜드 사이트:
* 현 유통채널: 온라인
* High Street Italia 현재 참가 브랜드