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이탈리아 사람이라면 누구나 보로탈코의 독특한 향기와 연결된 기억 하나쯤은 가지고 있습니다. 이탈리아 사람들에게 보로탈코 향기는 어린 시절 어머니에게서 맡았던 그리움과 잊을 수 없는 영원한 사랑의 향기로 오랫동안 기억에 새겨져 있습니다. 보로탈코는 단순한 브랜드명을 넘어 “향기” 그 자체를 상표로 등록하였으며 많은 이탈리아 사람들에게 사랑받는 브랜드입니다. 보로탈코가 선사하는 기분 좋은 향기를 느껴보시기를 바랍니다.  

A spontaneous gesture for us Italians, but at the same time powerful that encompasses all the most authentic emotions, which enriches us and makes us feel good. A gesture that goes further, to the point of becoming an invitation to open up to others and embrace all the emotions that life offers us. And with talcum powder you can feel confident that you are enjoying shared moments because life "tastes good" in contact with others.In the mid-1800s, Via Tornabuoni was one of the most important streets in the center of Florence and here, among commercial activities and intellectual centers, Henry Roberts opened his pharmacy. The pharmacy at the time was not just a shop, but a real social point of reference where the pharmacist, after confronting customers and passers-by, returned to the back of the shop to make the products that could best meet the needs that emerged. Here, in 1878, Boro-talcum was born, the velvety absorbent powder that since then would pamper and perfume the skin of millions of people of all ages.

* 공식 수입사: MINA GLOBAL
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* 현 유통채널: 온라인
* High Street Italia 현재 참가 브랜드