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자연에 대한 깊은 경외심과 찬사를 바탕으로, 크레스타니는 그의 작품에 자연의 형상을 부여하며 그 영감을 표현합니다. 예술가이기 전에 장인으로서, 그는 유리 공예의 섬세한 기술을 수년간의 공부와 헌신을 통해 마스터하였습니다. 어린 시절부터 유리에 매료된 그는 유리가 자신을 표현할 수 있는 매개체임을 깨닫고, 유리의 잠재력을 극한까지 탐구해 왔습니다.
I admire nature, it fills me with awe and inspires me to give form to my works.
I am an artisan first, before being an artist.
Glass working is a very complex technique that requires years of study and extreme dedication. I was fortunate to learn this technique while I was still young. Glass chose me, before I had any idea what I wanted to become.
I feel blessed to be the medium through which glass can express itself, in the continuous search for its full potential.
In these years of study, my thoughts were forged by the delicate rules of glass working: ignited by the high melting temperatures, stemmed by the risk of breaking, withstanding the test of time, continuously searching for limits to overcome.
It is only by controlling the material that I feel I am able to create my works exactly as I imagined them.
Glass uses my hands to reach beyond the boundaries imposed by the technique.
For me, the natural forms are examples of equilibrium and imperfect elegance. I rework these forms through the language of art, mixing them with contemporary contents and giving life to an idea that is then expressed in my works.
Tradition and innovation cooperate in my projects: I use the beauty I see around me, I shape it from a decorative take, enhancing its essence and poetry.
Glass is the perfect material to sum up these contrasts. In my works I love to see coexistence between fragile form and concrete details, hard contours and harmony of elegance.
The mountain is the place closest to my heart, where I can reach my thoughts and physical exertion helps me to make way among the superstructures that crowd everyday life. There I find new vigour and often also the inspiration necessary to develop my work.
* 공식 수입사: 비비엔느오
* 대표전화: 02-749-1938
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* 수입사 홈페이지:
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* 공식 브랜드 사이트:
* 현 유통채널: 오프리인 행사 및 구매문의를 통한 한정 판매
* High Street Italia 현재 참가 브랜드