Participating Companies
1400도 고온의 열을 견뎌낸 완전한 제품, 안캅은 프리미엄 도자기로 1400도 고온의 열을 견뎌낸 완전한 제품들로 조직이 치밀하여 내구성이 뛰어납니다. 프리미엄 소재에 섬세한 장인의 손길이 더 해져 탄생 된 안캅은 이탈리아의 명품 중 하나 입니다.
Ancap was founded in 1964, inspired by the ingenuity of Giuseppe Boschini, fine connoisseur of porcelain and well-versed on its market and décor. The love for typical Italian quality, combined with passion, have guided him, together with his family, to achieving qualitative excellence in the sector. An excellence that is expressed in dynamic, original objects that are painstakingly designed up to the smallest detail, created for professionals who seek impeccable objects, from every point of view. Our approach is based on the union of Italian craftsmanship with innovative technology, a winning combination, thanks to which we have developed a vast and comprehensive assortment, constantly updated and always at the forefront of technological and stylistic research.
* 공식 수입사: (주)뮤제오
* 대표전화: 1533-0918
* 이메일:
* 수입사 홈페이지:
* 공식 브랜드 사이트:
* 현 유통채널: 온/오프라인
* High Street Italia 현재 참가 브랜드